EXCERPT: "White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said President Barack Obama will "continue" to act "independently" without congressional authorization to "benefit the American people" as part of the White House’s "We Can’t Wait" campaign. "He [Obama] fully understands that the kinds of things that are contained within the American Jobs Act require congressional action, require laws being passed, and that’s why he’s pressing for Congress to take action legislatively," Carney told reporters on Monday at the White House.
Let's be clear here. King Alinsky's "American Jobs Act" was pure bullsh*t. There WAS NO ACT just a mishmash of gibberish and sloganisms that King Alinsky, when speaking without his teleprompter, is famous for, only this crapulence is on paper. The GOP introduces a REAL jobs act into Congress and King Alinsky says nothing. One more point, the Dems MAJORITY in the Senate did not pass it either, so what now Baghdad Bob Carney?
BTW, WE CAN'T WAIT either Barry, to be RID of you and the First Grifter and November 2012 CANNOT COME FAST ENOUGH!
EXCERPT: "But he can also act independently or, rather, administratively, and exercise his executive authority to benefit the American people in other ways. And he will continue to do that."
THIS is simply MORE 100% pure unadulterated BULLSH*T from the White House and Carney's oral sewer. He usurps the Constitution and THAT does NOT help the American people by any stretch of the imagination, no matter HOW FAR to the Left that imagination is.
EXCERPT: "He is simply acting to help the American people, whether it’s with their mortgages, their student loans, their access to vital drugs, assisting businesses to speed up the process by which they get a, you know, contracts, with their payments from the federal government. These are all measures he can take administratively, and he will continue to take them."
There is no excuse for usurping the Constitution, no matter the reason. If this was a WHITE Republican acting in this manner, the Congress would be all over him like flies on a bull's ass. Obama should have ALREADY been impeached yet this has not been done. WHY? Is the Congress afraid of black flash mobs rioting because of it all? So Congress picks the easier road to travel vice JUSTICE and the Rule of Law? Congress enjoys a 14% approval rate and an EIGHTY-SIX percent DISAPPROVAL rate and can anyone question WHY that is? They absolutely deserve it. That they ignore King Alinsky's usurpation of the Constitution and things like the War Powers Act of 1973 in Libya is nothing short of a criminal act themselves.
This petty tyrant has taken over infrastructure funding, bypassing Congress, taken over student loans, making them MORE forgivable at the expense of the US Taxpayer, bypassing Congress, taken over home loans through Fannie and Freddie, bypassing Congress there as well, i.e., home foreclosures, closed down oil drilling, closed down coal mining, groped old people and babies through the American Gestapo (TSA) and now set up roadblocks in Tennesee and other states. Obama is nothing but a dictator with a toothless Congress and Senate UNWILLING to do what is right FOR America.
The ONE bright side of the despotic rule of King Alinsky is that the NEXT POTUS will be held to a stricter standard, as it should be, than King Alinsky, bought and paid for by Soros ever was and maybe another is that Congress will remember that THEY are supposed to protect US from a rogue president.