Thursday, December 9, 2010


In the movie Little Nicky, one of the older brothers (Adrian), loose in NYC, observed that sending an adult's soul to Hell was one thing but when a child's goes, it is so much better! So when the Gunny wades through the sewage at Ruffy Huffy Ho and reads the mewlings of the libtards in regards to the failings of their messiah, Barry Soetoro, their tears are nectar to the Gunny's schadenfreude! It is truly enjoyable as the leftist morons come to the realization that Imam Obama sucks, that he sucked before the election, that he sucked after it, and they got flim-flammed by the Soros-owned Democrat Pary. Read on and savor their pain. It is SO fun to read their posts as they watch SS Obamatanic sink after hitting the iceberg! haha

piperflyer: "Maybe all the intelligent progressives, glib pundits, and Joe lower class (a middle class dictates a lower and an upper class), maybe all these were wrong about Barak Obama and his intelligen­ce."

NAMI: "Follow we were not wrong.....­..........­..about him.......­..........­..we underestim­ated the HATRED of the RIGHT WING......­..and hoped that for the sake of the COUNTRY...­.........p­eople would try to do the correct thing and find good solutions."

dhhh: "I apologise I was wrong Obama is not a blue dog dem nor moderate republican he is actually a conservati­ve repub. He should be arrested for impersonat­ing a democrat."

mad fred: "Sad and lame Obama is weak in the knees."

mag68: "I have come to the conclusion that he is a republican plant. I honestly believe the other side helped place him as a continuation of Bush Chaney."

Monrocsol: "Hillary would have been better, but no, we had to go with "the dream" and now it is a nightmare." (BEST ONE!)

Avere Fede: "Clearly, we were all victims of one of history's all time frauds. I personally was very much aware of many of his shortcomings, but I truly believed he was up for the challenge. What a stunner to realize just how worthless a Harvard education truly is when combined with lack of conviction, and an overabundance of arrogance." (YEOW!)

JackBPravda: "He's a lightweigh­t, in a heavyweigh­t division; another almost lawyer, doing

SirSlappy: "Captain Passive tripped on his own cape. We must get him to step down without a second term, to void the slot for someone with a spine. He's a disaster."

jacobnyc: "Obama is a wimp, not a fighter; he's a orator, not a leader."

Salty too: "He is a comunity organizer/ junior senator, and is in way ,way ,way over his head."

MartyJo: "Please, please, please President Obama… don't run again. They don't deserve you. You are better than how you've been treated. The neop!gs are on a mission to bring you down since they can't get near you with their 2nd amendment rights, as Sharon Angle stated, they will use every under handed tactic there "tea" brains can muster. The world is watching witnessing the ultimate stoopidity coming from the wing. The American people are not worthy to have you and your beautiful wife and precious children representing a once respected nation villified and squandered by Bushie." (Runner Up to nuttiest libtard post)

SirSlappy: "We must get him to step down without a second term, to void the slot for someone with a spine. He's a disaster."

CarolinaYankee: "Guess some of you are used to "Lame ducks" just QUITTING..­.. Not Obama, he will not quit and the Dems will be back in power soon. Cannot wait to see how well the GOP tries to govern, especially with the infighting with the TP, it should be a laugh riot."(Talk about being in DENIAL!)

Oakland: "People overwhelmi­ngly support liberal policies: getting out of the wars, protecting social security and medicare, single payer/publ­ic options, letting gays serve openly, protecting a women's right to choose, regulating and hanging the bankers, renegotiat­ing NAFTA, balancing the trade deficit, taxing the rich.... These are "LIBERAL" not conservati­ve values. You baggers don't have a clue." (Is that YOU Van Jones?)



  1. I just don't understand how their minds' work. I have never heard such drivel in my life as I have heard in the past few years coming from the mouths, pens, and web sites, of liberals. It is hard to know how they have sense enough to breathe!!

  2. Gunny, you needed a spew alert.

    I laughed at this one until I almost cried: "The American people are not worthy to have you and your beautiful wife and precious children representing a once respected nation villified and squandered by Bushie."

    The Wookie is a "beautiful wife"?????????

    Thank you for the laughs!

  3. After fighting the Christmas shopping hordes today,I needed a good laugh. Thanks,Guns. I appreciated that. Watching the libs' heads explode over WHAT THE FUCK WE KNEW 3 YEARS AGO is priceless.

  4. Nanna,

    They are simply too stupid to and chew gum at the same time. You'll LOVE the one I post tomorrow.

  5. Gray Ghost,

    I LOVED that one. I too LMMFAO! It is clear that the Left has little or no thinking skills. They HAVE to be stupid, there is no other excuse for them.

  6. clyde,

    Their meltdown in 2012 is gonna be FANTASTIC!

  7. These Dumass Jerks

    It toiok them this long to realize what folks on the conservative side were trying to tell them all along.
    They could not see past their collective noses.
    All that education...
