Sunday, September 4, 2011


Once again we see that Democrats are corrupt. The Obama Regime gives up 535 MILLION dollars of OUR MONEY to a company that was heavily invested in by his buddies. New research shows that this was done IN THE FACE of independent auditors who said that this facility was a huge risk and bankruptcy was a possibility. Yeah, making something for six bucks and selling it for three kinda sorta is a big clue but then again, that is liberal math. Who cares if it is a losing proposition, its all about the feelings anyway. Now, it is being revealed (on a holiday weekend of course) that the George Kaiser Foundation is a major investor in this bogus green energy crapulence called Solyndra. Kaiser, is of course, a BIG DONOR to Obama and Crime Incorporated, formerly known as the Jackass Party. Oh, BTW, Kaiser likes to visit Obumbles in the White House a lot, which is probably why the Regime is fighting the FOIA requests to release the FULL WH visitor logs. 

And since Obumbles likes to bypass Congress, the Senate, normal rules and regulations, it appears that he and his homies have bypassed the rules and regulations meant to keep the taxpayes from getting screwed over. The 535 MILLION was simply handed over to Solyndra by the Department of Energy, at the behest of Obumbles. In addition, it appears that this was just ONE of FIVE companies that Obummer shoveled OUR money at.

What this REALLY is, is a money laundering scam that routes taxpayer money into the hands of private "investors", who take their cut, fattening their bank accounts, and then much of it comes back to the Regime as bundled cash and untraceable internet campaign contributions, much like what came into Obummer's campaign back in 2008, from overseas credit cards bundled by the Hamas phone bank in Gaza. THAT is why the private investors in the Solyndra scam are getting paid off BEFORE John Q. Taxpayer gets any money.

Oh, BTW, ANOTHER member of Crime Incorporated got busted in California.

EXCERPT: "Kinde Durkee of Durkee and Associates, a prominent Democratic party fundraiser and official, has been charged with several counts of mail fraud committed in her capacity as campaign treasurer for dozens of individuals and groups." (All Democrats of course)

When Democrats are in charge, its a full on attack on decency, morals, law and order, and of course, the taxpayer's wallet.


  1. Follow the money,no question. READY-MADE for corruption charges to be laid at these bastards feet,however,the "opposition" party undoubtedly will fondle themselves as per usual. Wouldn't want to appear "racist" now,would we?

  2. Any of this going on in "drain the swamp" Pelosi's district??

    Pack Rat

  3. >>making something for six bucks and selling it for three kinda sorta is a big clue but then again, that is liberal math<<

    LIberals can't do math, Gunny! They went to a school that didn't make them do math because they might get the wrong answer and that would hurt their self-esteem!

    Keep it up, GUnny. I love your blog.

  4. Sounds a lot like a certain solar panel company that recently got 500 million from the taxpayers and declared it was broke AFTER it funneled about 500 million through democrat lobbyists.

  5. -Sepp, betcher azz that at least $100 mil went directly to the local, state, and national Dems.

  6. This is why, when Mrs. AL asked what one piece of legislation we would pass if we could, I said I would first reform the tax code so that everyone has to pay a share of what it costs to run the gov’t (among other reforms). Only when EVERYONE feels real pain from financing these types of schemes will there ever be sufficient outrage to put a stop to it. Hopefully the pain would be such that people might even begin to wonder whether we really need a department of energy at all (or any of the other hundreds of departments we finance). Most importantly they would only need to understand one thing: voting for liberals will cost them more money. That would go a long way towards solving this nation’s problems.

  7. clyde,

    Yep, the GOP is almost as bad as the DNC. ANYTHING I get from them goes straight into the fire.

  8. clyde,

    Yep, the GOP is almost as bad as the DNC. ANYTHING I get from them goes straight into the fire.

  9. clyde,

    Yep, the GOP is almost as bad as the DNC. ANYTHING I get from them goes straight into the fire.

  10. Dave,

    GREAT POINT on their self-esteem crap. I've heard about it from some former teachers and the damage it does.

    Thanks for the kudos, you can bet I'll maintain my fire on the enemies of the Republic.
