Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Putting liberals into government is akin to giving an AK-47 to a chimp. It AIN'T gonna end well.


  1. D*mn Gunny, this was funny.

    And as one of my USAF TAC officers would have said, "Cadets, we have just learned an important lesson. First and foremost, don't ever be stupid enough to give a dangerous weapon to a fool. It will come back and bite you. Second, make sure the troops under your command have enough sense not to give a dangerous weapon to a fool. Or it will still come back and bite you."

    PS: Gunny where do you fid this shiite?

  2. needless to say they seem to all look akike also!!I just read that Kerry does not want the Tea Party to have equal time in the news--HmmI could call that "imperialism"now could I?Keep the fire going Guns--Semper fi.

  3. Today's winner of the GOLDEN DUH! AWARD!!!!!

  4. PS--I ment to say Semper fi--from this ARMY vet!

  5. You can't fix stupid.
    New home at http://thedrpete.wordpress.com/

  6. The chimp seems to be a quick learner.

  7. About the size of it.

  8. First thing in the morning I want that monkey at the range. His fire control is fine, but his aim is piss poor.

  9. Gray Ghost,

    A buddy sent it to me and I pissed myself watching it.

  10. Gallant,

    I think that chimps actually look smarter than liberals in general!

    Yeah, Hanoi John and the rest of the lib hordes SURE ain't digging that freedom of speech thing.
    How DID Kagan put it? Oh yeah, "some speech can be disappeared."

    I wish some libs could be disappeared.

  11. Craw,

    Exactly right. When that chimp opened fire, I nearly pissed myself.

  12. TGP,

    I think we need to shorten the stock on that AK and the chimp will be in tighter than jelly on a biscuit.

  13. Gunny,

    My uncle (F86's in Korea and F100's in Vietnam) asked me to tell you how much he enjoyed the video. He said he too nearly p*ssed in his pants watching it.

    I hope your numbers for viewing at your site have increased. I have emailed the address and recommended the video to just about everyone I know.

  14. Hilarious! I'm only glad I went to the ladies room before I watched this.

  15. Whats with the osamaone and his maniacal ubangi dancin that he and moochelle did at the LA party (see link below) while chanting death to America, death to Israel? He's trying to teach his lil cousin I guess.
    I think lil cous showed him a couple of new moves. Down right funny how fast he made the osamaites start finding a place for a nap.


  16. Gray Ghost,

    Thanks. My number ARE increasing as the lib trolls try to pull me down! haha. They'll have about as much of a chance of that as that chimp (or a lib) understanding the laws of economics.

  17. CzechMerlin,

    A great way to start the day for me. All I can say to the chimp is: "GET SOMEEEEE!"

  18. Gunny,
    That was funny as hell. I laughed out loud.
