Thursday, March 25, 2010


It appears that Barry and Andy Stern are two lovers gayly strolling through the rose garden, thinking up new schemes to screw Americans. Here's a new one. It's called:


Here's the gouge:

"One of the nation's largest labor unions, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), is promoting a plan that will centralize all retirement plans for American workers, including private 401(k) plans, under one new "retirement system" for the United States. In effect, government pensions for everyone, not unlike the European system and regardless of personal choice.

The SEIU, which was integral to the election of Barack Obama as president, is working with the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute (EPI), and the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, on SEIU's plan."

How nice. You work, you scrimp and save, you put money into a 401K that you could have used elsewhere and Comrade Maobama and his fellow traveler Andy Stern just comes on it and takes it, rolls it into a nice pot, so that it can be redistributed to those service workers that Stern exploits.

So what do we do? Keep an eye on this shate and IF it passes, WE draw all of our money OUT of our 401K, TSP, etc, and take the tax hit. Better to lose 28% (or more under Comrade Zero) that lose 100% of it. Keep an eye on these b*stards, they are out to screw America and Americans.


  1. Its becoming clearer every day that this "government" has to come down.

  2. Isn't that pretty much what social security was suppose to be? The government would hang on to our money for retirement? I guess that's not enough any more.

  3. Donnie,

    Yep, the marxist clowns goosestep on.

  4. Jim,

    Even FDR knew that eventually SS would have to be privatized but the Left LOVES raping that cash cow.

  5. Remember, We The People, reserve the right to abolish an opressive government. With force if needed. That is why our founding fathers created the second ammendment.

  6. Anon,

    I agree. In fact, former Congressman Dornan called the Second Am a "hunting license for politicians."

  7. Glenn Beck's show yesterday illuminated all the people around the Big O seem to be '60'radicals.
    I'm sure these scumbags went from smoking pot and having Walter Mitty dreams of standing shoulder to shoulder with Che to studying Cloward and P...whatever the name was... and have gone from a wart on our nose to a cancer within.
    I was not in the country in the '60's but when Kent State went down paraphrase hippies...RIGHT ON!!!

  8. Buck,

    Beck also pointed out why they're reacting so violently to our protests. Because that is ALL THEY KNOW!

  9. As for me and my house, we are stocking up on ammo. That may end up the only way to protect our freedom!

  10. Nanna,

    Guns and Ammo may be worth their weight in PLATINUM soon.

  11. Gunny,

    Your buddy GW (cap'n hand wiper) and his fellow criminals in government and industry screwed me out of 20% of my 401k - Thank God he failed in his incredibly stupid and short-sighted attempt at privatizing Social Security.


  12. Buck,

    You are suggesting that the murders that took place at Kent State were a good thing? How f*cking stupid are you? No American could say that so you must be a f*cking commie. Way to reveal your true identity hiding behind the same "conservative" garbage can as Gunny and his commie friends here.

    Nanna - be sure to spend your first round on your cranium - if you have one.


  13. buck ..If any of you liberal Obama Zombies show up around here, it will be your cranium in danger. Of course the bullet would probably bounce around in that cavern!!

  14. Nanna,
    you meant Linus, not Buck, right?

  15. Linus,
    how exactly did W take 20% of your 401(k)? If you're referring to the economic downturn of 2008, you might want to check on where it started. That would be with the credit industry and the sub-prime mortgage problems of Freddie and by and Congressionally backed by DEMOCRATS!

    I'm no fan of W, but to try to blame him for that collapse is showing ignorance.

  16. Crawfish,
    You are right LINUS is the brain dead liberal I was talking to. Thanks for the correction. Sorry Buck I apologize. I was looking through a fog of red.
    Thanks again Crawfish.

  17. THAT would be great. Most likely this SEIU pension fund is in about as bad of shape as Soc Sec is,Stern is trying to get his stooge to pay for it. Kinda like the damned UAW wanting Obama to bail their asses out.

  18. Well, they probably figure they've been successful in telling the people of the country to sit down, shut up and like what we're shoving down your throats that they may as well keep going for their socialist dream of complete power.

    Hey Linus, did your blankie get lost at the dry cleaners and now you're a little cranky?

  19. Yabby, maybe Linus has a gambling problem. Or maybe he gave 20% to a new retirement fund in Nigeria that says it was set up by George Bush.

  20. Had a brother in law who like so many oHtenskiens claimed this and that. Said his younger brother caused the kent state uprising and it cost his dad an arm and a leg to keep the little sob out of jail, either way commie bastard sobs like his little bro deserve what they get so FO kent state,ayers and osamabinobama. We are watching you.

  21. Jim,
    Or maybe he got a telegram from someone in Dakar saying his long lost rich uncle had passed and left him $850,000 and all he had to do was send $2000 to get the will probated and withdrawl tax at the bank.....
    Bet he'd go for it.
