Tuesday, July 20, 2010


RINO pissant and Ruling Class puke Lindsey Grahamnesty just voted YES on putting a fat pale Progressive moron on the Supreme Court of the United States. A moron so devoid of experience as a judge as to make Obummer look chock full of executive level experience! Prepare yourselves for a renewed leftist attack on the Second Amendment. Kagan has been derilect in her duties all of her career, covering for other leftists. Here is a great example:

EXCERPT: "If, for example, you are Laurence Tribe in 1984, Harvard professor of law, leftist pillar of the establishment, you can "write" your magnum opus by using the products of your student assistant, Ron Klain. A decade later, after Klain admits to having written some parts of the book, and the other parts are found to be verbatim or paraphrases of a book published in 1974, you can claim (perhaps correctly) that your plagiarism was "inadvertent," and you can count on the Law School's dean, Elena Kagan, to appoint a committee including former and future Harvard president Derek Bok that issues a secret report that "closes" the incident. Incidentally, Kagan ends up a justice of the Supreme Court. Not one of these people did their jobs: the professor did not write the book himself, the assistant plagiarized instead of researching, the dean and the committee did not hold the professor accountable, and all ended up rewarded." (Kagan by a straight party vote and one dipstick RINO pissant.)

The more the Senate betrays America, the more the Gunny understands the actions of Sulla. 

If you have not read the AWESOME article on the "Ruling Class" versus the "Country Class", here is the link.


Once a traitor, always a traitor.


  1. This Joker has jelly for a backbone and KOOL-Aid for blood! Good heavens is ti ANY wonder why so many DO NOT trust ANY in this SEWER called Washington DC? Just look what Brown did--voting with Snowball. ( I am a blogspot blogger now! comon by Gunny and read my fiest post. I value your input!

  2. Knight Racer,

    DC might as well be on another planet for as out of touch with us as they are. Lindsey is a weasley pissant.

  3. The marxist communist continue to be installed in high federal government offices and will continue to be so until the average american has a wake up call. On average our citizens know more about almost any sport you can name than any laws and appointments being made in our name. (Not that sports are bad but ignorance of laws being passed is bad)

    This marxist appointment to the supreme court will go through and RINO's will bless off on it.

    This cannot and will not stop until the average citizen wakes up and unfortunately way too many are watch ESPN instead of Obama Bin Laden.

  4. Here is the reason we need to get the message out that it's not a Republican/Democrat issue. All of these power spenders thta are spending OUR money in Washington have to go!

  5. Anon,

    I hear that! I had to laugh when Lindsey Grahamnesty mewled that larda&& kagan could put aside her "leftist" views and be objective! Yeah, like a hog abstains from barreling to the trough.

  6. Gunny; I could have expected no less from Ghramnisty. He is so pathetic. He should switch parties. He is just taking up space in the Republican party. He is a liberal at heart!!

  7. Nanna,

    Maybe I should spell his name, Grahamnasty.

    What a flaccid puddle of dog squeeze that spineless bimbo is.

  8. Grahamnesty also whines like a little baby about the Tea Parties.
    The ruling class does need to go.

  9. Beachmom,

    I for one hope that we seriously clean house in Nov. Scumbags like McLame, Grahamnasty, Snowe, Collins, etc need to get kicked to the curb.

  10. Hey Gunny, I can't remember, but did Graham vote for Sotomaiyor (forgive the spelling) as well? If he did, he probably justified it the same way.
    John from MO

  11. Anon,

    The piece of sh*t did and justified it about the same way. He needs to go away. Of course Steele said nothing. What a bunch of spineless worms.

  12. Gunny-I just heard on Rush that they are "reviewing" the Sharrod case--what about the venom of the new black pathers??

  13. K R,

    Figures that Obummer would knuckle under to the black voting bloc. He is so transparent as to be invisible.

  14. Yes, not only are they "reviewing" the Sharrod case, but Gibbs just officially apologized to her on behalf of the whole Administration. She ADMITTED to causing financial harm to a white farmer because of his race, and it does not matter that she eventually tried to help him. That is enough for her to have her racist tail fired!

  15. WHY would the pissant's vote to confirm Kagan surprise any of us?

  16. I have always had problems with spineless-wishywashy republicans. Snow and Collins need to go as well.

    John in MO

  17. This asshole HAS to be a fellow traveller.
    Nobody could get away with claiming stupidity for these kinds of of anti-American acts...
