Monday, August 2, 2010


“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes; and clever in their own sight! Woe to those who are heroes in drinking wine and valiant men in mixing strong drink. Who justify the wicked for a bribe and take away the rights of the ones who are in the right! Therefore, as a tongue of fire consumes stubble and dry grass collapses into the flame, so their root will become like rot and their blossom blow away as dust. For they have rejected the law of the LORD of hosts and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel. (Isaiah 5:20-24)

It appears that Isaiah was talking about liberals who have turned this nation upside down, in their quest to “fundamentally change” us as Comrade Zero read off of his teleprompter, "We are the people we have been waiting for." Obama 2008. “Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes…”

Liberals have tried to tie fascism to the right over and over and lately, they continue to do it, using their lickspittles in the Lapdog Media, thus a refresher is needed so that we can counter their lies.

fascism (fāsh'ĭz'əm) n. 1. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.

There are six basic elements to fascism and all of them are traits of the left. For one, there are little or no belief in a God or gods. Seeing as how the ACLU and the Left attack religion so vociferously, there can be no doubt here. Next, fascism rejects the idea that individuals have a moral responsibility in life. Indeed, fascism states that an individual’s only responsibility is to the State. Third, fascism, like liberalism and the progressive movement, wholly embraces groupthink and groupact. Fourth, Liberalism, like fascism, centers around their political ideology, like Hitler and his Nazism or Wilson and his Progressivism, or Obama and his collectivism. Fascism, like Liberalism, celebrates the collective over individual (a stark difference between them and us) and regime is all about collectivism. For example, years ago, Obama spoke in Chicago: “In America we have this strong bias toward individual action. You know, we idolize the John Wayne hero who comes in to correct things with both guns blazing. But individual actions, individual dreams, are not sufficient. We must unite in collective action, build collective institutions and organizations.” How pathetic is this crybaby? How can it be bad to idolize someone who stands on their own two feet and takes care of the issues facing them vice whining for the government to come and smooth the bumps in the road for them? Who can doubt that Comrade Zero places the collective over the individual? The state over the people?

Next is that fascism, like liberalism today, again, especially under this regime, requires a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictator or in the case of Obama, a wannabe dictator. Liberals will whine about this but who can doubt that Comrade Zero has created more “Czars” in the executive branch, not confirmed by the Senate and answering only to him. Autocratic? A system to bypass Congress and the Senate, in order to implement his Soros agenda in the quest to be the “king?” Who can doubt that given Obama’s rule by Executive Order and his league of Czars? After all, as he told the Republicans, “I won.”

Lastly, fascism, like Progressivism and Liberalism, seeks to suppress their opposition. Obama booted reporters off of his plane who were mean to him during the campaign. Nazi Pelosi locks out the Republicans in her shady backroom deals on ObummerKare. This regime uses a sexual slur for the Tea Party and points to anti illegal immigration proponents as racists. White veterans are possible “militia” members and probably racists. After all, as Comrade Zero stated, we’re bitter clingers to our guns and bibles. And who can forget that white cops in Cambridge acted stupidly while the club swinging voter intimidating Black Panthers got off of the hook under Obama and Holder! In fact, it was Comrade Oblunda who, as a Senator, flew to Kenya in 2006, to support a fascist by the name of Odinga (probably his relative) and was treated like a long lost son by the regime there. And he probably did it all on the taxpayers' dime.

It is both liberalism and fascism that does not trust to individual freedom or the people to make their own decisions in their lives. Life, Liberty, and the pursuit to Happiness, guaranteed to us in the Constitution, have been disregarded by this regime as Comrade Zero and his minions have shown their blatant contempt not only of Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence but also of the free market capitalism and the embrace of private property that made America a great nation. For example, this regime has brought back crap like the Fairness Doctrine, disguised as “locality” and people like Kagan who think that “some speech can be disappeared,” and pass laws that allow the government to take control of the Internet or even worse, shut down freedom of speech on college campuses by leftists who’s only aim is to disrupt the meeting, just like the Brownshirts did for the fascists in Germany in 1933! Indeed, from ACORN to the SEIU to AARP (ObummerKare advocates) to, this regime has badgered people in their own homes (AIG and BofA) and has demonized capitalism because both fascism and liberalism need a "bad guy" to "organise the community against” and thus, demonize them. For example, almost two YEARS into this regime and they still blame Bush. Why? Because of the well known malady in the Left of BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome).

At what other time in America has a President taken the time to force a CEO out of his job (GM CEO) and then put the government in charge of running it or attacking private citizens like Joe the Plumber, Rush Limbaugh, or Sean Hannity, using the Office of the President? The fascism of the Left can no longer be denied. This regime has surpassed the days where Wilson put Americans in prison for speaking out against WWI; where FDR stacked the SCOTUS with justices that would rubberstamp his unconstitutional acts; where LBJ raped the SS Trust Fund for his war in Vietnam; to this regime that supports the Employee No Choice Act, card check, which will allow union thugs to force people to join their union, thus creating more funding for democrat candidates through seized union dues, backdoor amnesty for illegals, thus getting millions of more votes for Democrats, forcing Mexifornia to reinstate the wages of SEIU workers that had to take salary cuts because liberals have bankrupted the state, used the government to threaten states to comply with Comrade Zero’s edicts or they won’t get any stimulus money, tried to use ACORN for the census (a clear violation of the Constitution), bailing out newspapers with our money, forcing BP to pony up 20B (another violation of the Constitution), trying to subvert both the 1st and 2nd Amendments, and other outrages that happen daily. Pope Benedict XVI nailed this regime when he stated: “Wherever politics tries to be redemptive, it is promising too much. Where it wishes to do the work of God, it becomes, not divine, but demonic.”

The liberal fascism practiced by this regime seeks to kill American exceptionalism, individual liberty and individual rights, as well as our and Judeo/Christian belief and values system. These Progressives have performed the incremental takeover of private industry and Wall St for the "common good," and have used the ACLU since the 1930’s to slice away at religion by constantly attacking it and forcing a reliance not on God or prayer but on government. Just as Hitler did in the 30’s, the left does now. Hitler promised change and once he got full power, he went crazy with it and we are seeing it now, for example, with rising unemployment for Americans while the Progressives in power enjoy a self-indulgent banquet, i.e., Obama and his many vacations, Hanoi John Fonda Kerry’s boat docked in RI, dodging 500K in taxes, Rangel, Maxine Waters, Solis, Gheitner, etc, etc.

We in America are facing the implementation of a fascist regime that seeks to rule by Executive Orders, EPA regulations, and shady backroom deals that will have an impact on our lives for generations to come. For example, under ObummerKare, science czar John Holdren can enact his dream of forced sterilizations and abortions, as he wrote about in the 70’s for who is to stop him? The SCOTUS? Hell, Obama already showed them his contempt during the SOTU speech. And now, thanks to Bonnie Fwank and Chris Dodd, the government will control all credit and financial transactions, through which they can control who gets what and who doesn’t, likely by race. The EPA will force “Crap and Tax” on us and get into our homes through climate legislation. It is amazing that the leftists will fight to allow a woman the right to murder her child but will not fight to allow us the right to decide what temperature we want inside our homes! Perhaps the worst thing this fascist regime is doing is not only failing to enforce the law and leaving America's borders open but taking a state to court for trying to do what the Feds WILL NOT! That is, protect their citizens, as chartered in the Constitution. One day, you'll be able to drive your GM Volt, like the German's drove their "people's car" on nice new autobahns, thanks to our Dear Leader.

The video of Progressive Statist Pete Stark says it all. The take over of America by Liberal Fascists.


  1. Looks like you've pretty much nailed it,Gunny.After watching Fortney's screed,there can be no doubt about it.

  2. Hey Gunny, sorry to be off topic but I found some great Talking points about creation vs. evolution:

    Socialists and communists did a pretty good job in the 19th century convincing people the Church was anti-science, when in fact modern science owes its existence to the Church.

    The Church invented the public education and university systems, as well as the public health system. The Jesuits were the ones who figured out the solar calendar, named in honor of one of the Popes name Greggory. The Gregorian Calendar. They also invented archeology, astronomy, and seismology. The American Catholic School system is the largest private school system in the world.

    Science is what God gave us. Faith is why. There is no incompatibility at all.

    and about Darwin: The thing to remember about Darwin is he did not even try to figure out how life started. His work was how it evolves once its already here. There is nothing incompatible between creation and evolution.

  3. I think it ironic based on the lefts claims that Facist are right winged that they always seem to arise from socialist. I say ironic, but not really because we all know how political systems work and it's quite simply not true that facism is a dicipline of the right. The whole purpose is to disasociate Hitler from the left where we all know he came from.

  4. clyde,

    Pretty disgusting isn't it? Stark is just the tip of the iceberg here.

  5. Anon,

    Good post. It was also the Church who preserved the knowledge of the Romans and Greeks during the Middle Ages.

  6. Jim,

    Exactly right. The Left is responsible for about 200 million deaths in the 20th century and they seem to never learn the lessons of unrestrained government.

  7. Obama's Czars
    A smart move by the community organizer.
    Obama is incompetent to run a toy electric train.
    Maybe he figured it out all by himself. Anyway..
    He has appointed "Czars" to run every aspect of business usually reserved to the Oval Office.
    This way he has someone to blame when shit goes wrong.
    Without all the responsibilities of running a country
    He has more time to play golf, go on vacations and cruise the skies over the 'hood in his Boeing pimpmobile.

  8. Gunny,
    This is really a great post, and your references are without question the most total truth that will never be changed.

    Without a doubt, Obama and all the left are aiming for a dictatorship. They want a dictator that is easily led by those that know the ropes. Therefore, enter Barry Soetoro. The things all Americans need to do right now, is pray like they have never prayed before. Then go to work and stop this sewer fed bunch of devil worshipers.! Never stop praying while you do that work.

  9. Excecellent scripture and follow up--These goons who are setting up Big Brother think that a voting America is gonna just roll over?--I do not think so--this November will be HUGE and YES we gotta PRAY--be informed and VOTE

  10. From The Wretched Gunster's latest psycho rant:

    >Liberals have tried
    >to tie fascism to the right

    No one has to "try" to associate fascism with right-wing thought, since fascism has always been a right-wing aberration, from Hitler, Mussolini, Tojo and Stalin (despite his communist roots) to Pol Pot, Nixon and Bush II. All were right-wingers and all were fascists in outlook and behavior.

    >There are six basic elements to fascism
    >and all of them are traits of the left.

    This is simply a lie. Fascism is a right-wing psychosis.

    >For one, there are (sic) little or no
    >belief in a God or gods.

    That's true. It's because left-wingers are almost always more intelligent, educated and reality-based than rightoids, so they tend to know that there are no supernatural thingies and that belief in such is a characteristic of madness and morons.

    >Seeing as how the ACLU and the
    >Left attack religion so vociferously

    Another lie. The American Civil Liberties Union and other individuals and groups with a left-wing bent don't "attack religion." What they attack is the Christian right's never-ending campaign to inject their idiot faith into all manner of public institutions and to force everyone in America to adopt their religion. That's because it's the ACLU and the leftists who are standing up for the Founding Fathers' desire to create a secular, non-religious society, while the right-wing continues to press its fascistic agenda to control people's very thoughts.

    >fascism, like liberalism and the
    >progressive movement, wholly
    >embraces groupthink and groupact.

    Utter bullshit, of course. It's left-wingers who are widely recognized as "free-thinkers," "non-conformists," "individualists," "dissidents," etc., while right-wingers love nothing more than to endlessly repeat talking points given to them by Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck, and to march in lock-step in quasi-military groupings like Hitler's Brown Shirts and the "Tea Party's" gun-carrying goons.

    >or Obama and his collectivism

    Obama has no "collectivism," liar.

    >How pathetic is this crybaby?

    How pathetic are your lies and misrepresentations?

    Obama was clearly was talking about the need for collective *action* to get anything done in today's complex society, he wasn't promoting "groupthink." Groupthink is a right-wing phenomenon.

    >How can it be bad to idolize someone
    >who stands on their own two feet and
    >takes care of the issue facing them

    Very bad -- when the "someone" you idolize like a child exists in myth only, you dolt.

    As Obama knows, making significant changes to today's America requires demands and action by the masses of people. It can't be done by a mythical John Wayne character swaggering up Main Street with a steely gaze and a six-gun.

    But it is that dumbass Hollywood image that continue to transfix Gunsel and his dull-eyed followers here because they have no understanding of reality, because they are deluded and confused by their misreading of history and patriotic myths, and, always, because they are morons.

  11. A conclusion a friend came to:

    "The problem with 'conservative/right' and 'liberal/left' is that those terms have been ripped loose from their historical foundations. 'Left/Right' originally referred to the seating in the 18th century French parliament. 'Conservative/Liberal' referred to supporters of the nobility and existing social, political, and religious institutions versus a more fluid, egalitarian, humanistic society. The original conservative vs liberal fight is, in the light of the American revolution, essentially over in the US and nations modeling themselves on the US success. The liberals won.

    The current fight is between collectivists and individualists. The true modern political spectrum runs from tyranny to anarchy. Both extremes are dangerous; anarchy is also unstable and quickly collapses into tyranny.Tyranny lasts only as long as the subjects are subdued and then once deposed, descends back into anarchy.

    The descriptions and labels of the two camps are incommensurate; they're talking about different things. Worse, the basic vocabulary has been set by the statist/collectivist/socialist/communist wing, which has taken to itself the liberal/left label, and applied the right/conservative/capitalist labels to the individualist/minarchist/free market/entrepreneurial wing, which has few widely accepted terms of its own to apply to the debate.

    A good example of the conflict is the differing interpretations of 'the people'. Collectivists regard 'the people' and 'the state' as the same thing, with the state being the mechanism for achieving the most good for society as a whole by leading the people to act in concert for common ends; see various local and state courts, where the prosecution is announced as representing 'the people' against individual members of same. Individualists regard 'the people' as the aggregate of individual citizens acting in their own best interests; see 'the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances', which makes no sense under the collectivist understanding. Then there's the differing interpretations of 'the right of the people to keep and bear arms'....where, under the collectivist definition, the second amendment would be the only amendment in the bill of rights not given to an individual but to a state or federal entity.

    Another example is 'class'. Originally, this referred to the idea that people were either, by birth, 'noble' or 'common', and that there was little mobility between the two. However, socialists have redefined it to mean 'rich' versus 'poor', and 'capitalist' v. 'worker', again assuming a rigid hierarchy. Thus, advocates of a free market enabling individuals to make their own decisions regarding the best use of the resources available to them, within the constraints of the rule of law, find themselves conflated with advocates of the divine right of kings and unconstrained robber barons.

    Obviously, when such fundamental terms have such disparate definitions, it's almost impossible to have an intelligible conversation." D.Moore

    "The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities." Ayn Rand

  12. bwhahwwhahahaahaha. Time to destroy the nutjob ivy again. I so love it!

    1. "No one has to "try" to associate fascism with right-wing thought, since fascism has always been a right-wing aberration, from Hitler, Mussolini, Tojo and Stalin (despite his communist roots) to Pol Pot, Nixon and Bush II. All were right-wingers and all were fascists in outlook and behavior."

    1A. BWHAHAHAHAHAH! Ivan's drugs have confused his thinking of whats left of his mind of the difference between right and left. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Ivan and Hitler would be best friends! In fact, Ivan, do you have a SS badge?

    2."This is simply a lie. Fascism is a right-wing psychosis."

    2A. BWHAHAHAH. Wrong again, psycho!

    3. "That's true. It's because left-wingers are almost always more intelligent, educated and reality-based than rightoids, so they tend to know that there are no supernatural thingies and that belief in such is a characteristic of madness and morons."

    3A. Bragging about intelligence is a defense mechanism when they can't dispute facts! In fact, lefties succle on the governments teat while conservatives advocate hard work! BWHAHAHAHAHA. Ivy must have crossed marijuana and crack! Look at his pathetic attempts to validate atheism, like a child's argument!

    4."Another lie. The American Civil Liberties Union and other individuals and groups with a left-wing bent don't "attack religion." What they attack is the Christian right's never-ending campaign to inject their idiot faith into all manner of public institutions and to force everyone in America to adopt their religion. That's because it's the ACLU and the leftists who are standing up for the Founding Fathers' desire to create a secular, non-religious society, while the right-wing continues to press its fascistic agenda to control people's very thoughts."

    4A. I cant stop laughing! Ivan does not know a thing about the founding fathers, unless he was taught by a revisionist history professor!

    5."Utter bullshit, of course. It's left-wingers who are widely recognized as "free-thinkers," "non-conformists," "individualists," "dissidents," etc., while right-wingers love nothing more than to endlessly repeat talking points given to them by Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck, and to march in lock-step in quasi-military groupings like Hitler's Brown Shirts and the "Tea Party's" gun-carrying goons."

    5A. Oh man, it's like Ivan's answers come straight from the huffy puffy post! Is there some list your copying and pasting! BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH

    6."Obama has no "collectivism," liar."

    6A. Apparently, you don't know black liberation theology!

    "How pathetic are your lies and misrepresentations?"

    7. BWHAHAHA, what lies or misrepresentations! Man, you are a total wackjob!

    8."Obama was clearly was talking about the need for collective *action* to get anything done in today's complex society, he wasn't promoting "groupthink." Groupthink is a right-wing phenomenon."

    8A. Says the nutter who copies and pastes from huffy puffy post on how to attack your opposition!

    9"Very bad -- when the "someone" you idolize like a child exists in myth only, you dolt."

    9A. Says the man who idolizes Obama, communism, anti-Semitic, racism, and sucking on the government teat! Heck, I'm sure Ivy fantasizes being sandwiched between Obama and Stalin!

    10. With the rest of Ivan's insane lunacy in full view, I'd like to exclaim how lucky that there are insane houses for people like him! A padded room and pill time would be perfect for this hallucinogenic drug-laden loony nutjob!

  13. bwhahwwhahahaahaha. Time to destroy the nutjob ivy again. I so love it!

    1. "No one has to "try" to associate fascism with right-wing thought, since fascism has always been a right-wing aberration, from Hitler, Mussolini, Tojo and Stalin (despite his communist roots) to Pol Pot, Nixon and Bush II. All were right-wingers and all were fascists in outlook and behavior."

    1A. BWHAHAHAHAHAH! Ivan's drugs have confused his thinking of whats left of his mind of the difference between right and left. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Ivan and Hitler would be best friends! In fact, Ivan, do you have a SS badge?

    2."This is simply a lie. Fascism is a right-wing psychosis."

    2A. BWHAHAHAH. Wrong again, psycho!

    3. "That's true. It's because left-wingers are almost always more intelligent, educated and reality-based than rightoids, so they tend to know that there are no supernatural thingies and that belief in such is a characteristic of madness and morons."

    3A. Bragging about intelligence is a defense mechanism when they can't dispute facts! In fact, lefties succle on the governments teat while conservatives advocate hard work! BWHAHAHAHAHA. Ivy must have crossed marijuana and crack! Look at his pathetic attempts to validate atheism, like a child's argument!

    4."Another lie. The American Civil Liberties Union and other individuals and groups with a left-wing bent don't "attack religion." What they attack is the Christian right's never-ending campaign to inject their idiot faith into all manner of public institutions and to force everyone in America to adopt their religion. That's because it's the ACLU and the leftists who are standing up for the Founding Fathers' desire to create a secular, non-religious society, while the right-wing continues to press its fascistic agenda to control people's very thoughts."

    4A. I cant stop laughing! Ivan does not know a thing about the founding fathers, unless he was taught by a revisionist history professor!

    5."Utter bullshit, of course. It's left-wingers who are widely recognized as "free-thinkers," "non-conformists," "individualists," "dissidents," etc., while right-wingers love nothing more than to endlessly repeat talking points given to them by Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck, and to march in lock-step in quasi-military groupings like Hitler's Brown Shirts and the "Tea Party's" gun-carrying goons."

    5A. Oh man, it's like Ivan's answers come straight from the huffy puffy post! Is there some list your copying and pasting! BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH

  14. 6."Obama has no "collectivism," liar."

    6A. Apparently, you don't know black liberation theology!

    "How pathetic are your lies and misrepresentations?"

    7. BWHAHAHA, what lies or misrepresentations! Man, you are a total wackjob!

    8."Obama was clearly was talking about the need for collective *action* to get anything done in today's complex society, he wasn't promoting "groupthink." Groupthink is a right-wing phenomenon."

    8A. Says the nutter who copies and pastes from huffy puffy post on how to attack your opposition!

    9"Very bad -- when the "someone" you idolize like a child exists in myth only, you dolt."

    9A. Says the man who idolizes Obama, communism, anti-Semitic, racism, and sucking on the government teat! Heck, I'm sure Ivy fantasizes being sandwiched between Obama and Stalin!

    10. With the rest of Ivan's insane lunacy in full view, I'd like to exclaim how lucky that there are insane houses for people like him! A padded room and pill time would be perfect for this hallucinogenic drug-laden loony nutjob!

  15. Soooo Ivan poked his snake-head out of the grass. He better watch out because the LAWN MOWER of TRUTH is coming (as a matter of fact --it has already been here-snakes do not hear very well) Great post gunny-scripure was SPOT ON as well as all your points. Anonymous: good take down!

  16. Gunny, it wasn't a surprise when the communist party endorsed Obama during the election. I remember reading one of their notes on how he'll bring 'peace' and universal health care and main street before wall street and thinking, what are these idiots doing in the US?

    The US does not stand for communism, socialism, nor the taxation without representation patriots faught so hard against. Obama and his ilk are destroying the greatest nation in the world. It's time we reverse that backwards trend and vote the idiots out.

  17. >Who can doubt that (President Barack
    >Hussein Obama)places the collective
    >over the individual?
    >The state over the people?

    Everyone with an IQ in the triple digits doubts it. The only people who are running around screaming that Obama is a "collectivist" (whatever that is) are clinical paranoids and/or professional propagandists like the wretched Gunster.

    >or in the case of Obama, a wannabe dictator

    More pathetic paranoia from our mentally unbalanced blog host. There isn't an iota of evidence that Obama has ambitions to be a dictator. If he did, he would have had all those obstructionist, filibustering fuckhead Repuglicans arrested and locked away. America would have been better for it.

    >(Obama) has created more “Czars” in the
    >executive branch

    The president is the government's chief executive officer. He may create as many "czar" positions as he deems fit. It's a bureaucratic move and there's nothing undemocratic about it.

    >A system to bypass Congress and the Senate

    Gunny, you're an idiot. A "czar" must still obtain congressional approval when the Constitution mandates it. And BTW, the Senate is PART of Congress. Only morons say "Congress and the Senate." You are a moron.

    >his Soros agenda

    Right on, Gunsel. Now's the time for you to panic: Aaaiiieeee, George Soros is coming! Soros gonna get us! Who can save us now?!!!

    >Obama booted reporters off of his plane
    >who were mean to him during the campaign.

    Why should the Obama campaign -- or any campaign -- transport its political opponents?

    >Pelosi locks out the Republicans
    >in her shady backroom deals on
    >(health-care insurance reform)

    There's nothing shady about political deal-making. Happens all the time, in every administration. And in this case, the Repuglicans stated that they'd oppose any and all attempts at reform, so it's the Repugs who locked themselves out of the reform process. Tough shit, Repugs, and the suckers who voted for them.

    >as Comrade Zero stated, we’re bitter
    >clingers to our guns and bibles

    Truth stings, doesn't it? You rightizens snuggle up to your guns and Gospels because they're the only things in the whole wide, increasingly complex world you jackasses feel comfortable with.

    >And who can forget that white cops
    >in Cambridge acted stupidly

    Indeed. Stupidly, racistly, oppressively, moronically. Wonder what the Founding Fathers would have thought about a man being arrested for suspicion of burglarizing HIS OWN HOME? (Oh, yeah, I forgot -- the Founding Fathers would have assumed he was a slave.)

    >the club swinging voter intimidating
    >Black Panthers got off of the hook

    Nice try, but since they were never "on the hook (charged)," you can't say they "got off" it.

    >And he probably did it all
    >on the taxpayers' dime.

    Prove it, liar.

    >Life, Liberty, and the pursuit to Happiness,
    >guaranteed to us in the Constitution

    Gunny, you stumbling, drunken dimwit -- it's "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit OF Happiness," and those words appear in the U.S. DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, NOT the Constitution.

    Some brilliant American patriot you are, you embarrassing trailer park pinhead.

    And allow me to add,


  18. Good post, Gunny. I'll be linking it on Wednesday evening.

    Oh, and Ivan....please attempt to use some facts in your refutations on occasion. It would serve your cause a lot better. Ooops, sorry about that. The FACTS are on Gunny's side, so you still lose.

  19. Oh Stewie, you're such a moron! I really don't want to educate you as you are far more entertaining to laugh at. However if we educate you just a small amout, you will be far more entertaining(you know the old saying about a little knowledge).
    Here is your lesson
    So now to address your other stupidity you bed wetting dolt.
    Since we are the ONLY people you know with 3 digit IQs you obviously can't make that statement without your nose growing (I know your long nose is desireous in prison).
    Obama not only wants to be a dictator, he wants to be god. He thinks he's the messiah, and he is, the messiah of fools.
    " He may create as many "czar" positions as he deems fit. It's a bureaucratic move and there's nothing undemocratic about it"
    Idiot boy, we're not a Democracy! Dunce!

    "Why should the Obama campaign -- or any campaign -- transport its political opponents?"
    Wow are you as dumb as a box of rocks. Those were reporters, only the leftist reporters actually work for the dummycratic party.

    "so it's the Repugs who locked themselves out of the reform process"
    So you call destroying America and defying the will of the American people reform? And you want us to take you serious... You're such a clown!

    "You rightizens snuggle up to your guns and Gospels"
    Hey smuck boy, come hunting with me and I'll bet you not only find religion, I'll bet you're praying on your knees in a few hours (of course all of your potty training will be down the tubes).

    "Wonder what the Founding Fathers would have thought about a man being arrested for suspicion of burglarizing HIS OWN HOME?"
    I've always said you're an idiot, why do you prove it so well? He wasn't arrested for suspicion of burglary, he was arrested for being a moron (you know, like you) and yelling at the cops "You have no idea who he was messing with" anc calling them racist and creating a scene. The only problem with this arrest is they should have prosecuted the racist professor.

    "Nice try, but since they were never "on the hook (charged)," you can't say they "got off" it"
    Do you work at being this stupid? He was awaiting sentencing you idiot, he was already convicted shit-for-brains.

    "Prove it, liar"
    Well Srewie (Ivan) you have to give it to Gunny, he proved you a liar!

    Allow me to add, you're a tool! A gay man tool!

  20. Hey Ivan,

    I was just wondering if you noticed that at the bottom of Gunny's column, He lists out the sources he uses. I've noticed that you don't list any...hmmmmmmmm

    John in MO

  21. Ivan:
    >"The only people who are running around screaming that Obama is a "collectivist" (whatever that is) are

    "Whatever that is"? --- or is not. That's too funny for a liberal tool.

    And another from the arrogant Ivan:
    >>"There's nothing shady about political deal-making. Happens all the time, in every administration."

    Nothing shady. Nothing shady about promising well anything for a vote. Just makes it interesting, doesn't it? All this from an administration promising "change" and "transparency". (and Pelosi who promised to drain the swamp, not feed the aligators) But the funny part is Obummer loioks like the one with the credibility crisis. Now that is funny!

  22. Gunny, did you hear the latest end run around the Constitution that Barry the arrogant has done?
    He signed an executive order giving all kinds of new power to a new bureaucracy to control any and all activities and property owners' rights along all waterways. And he has given the order that the new department should push to get the senate to pass the sovereignty killing UN's convention of the seas treaty.
    Here's the link:

    I thought this goes along with your post here quite nicely. It is an example of the POTUS taking individual rights away and of him grabbing control over our waterways and giving them over to the UN.
    Now, if that isn't collectivism and a prime example of facism/socialism/progressivism/libidiotism, I don't know what is.

  23. From the stumbling Gunster's idiot diatribe:

    >Life, Liberty, and the pursuit to Happiness,
    >guaranteed to us in the Constitution

    Are you trailer park politicos certain you want to be preached to by a blockhead who's unable to correctly quote what's probably the single most quoted phrase in American English? (It is, of course, "the pursuit OF Happiness.")

    Do you really want to be lectured by a cretin who, despite his posing as a staunch defender of the Constitution, doesn't know what's in it? (The phrase is from the Declaration of Independence, NOT the Constitution.)

    The above proves what I've said from the beginning: Your hero Gunny is a raving loon, woefully ignorant about his own country's history and interested only in inciting some poor fools to violence against the nation he hates.

    Aren't you folks embarrassed that you're letting yourselves be led by such an ignoramus?

    If not, you sure as hell should be.

  24. Well actually Stewie(Ivan), It's not represented as a quote or as an extract. The statement that the constitution guarantees life, liberty and the pursuit to happiness would be guaranteed by the Constitution would be an accurate statement.
    So let's see, Gunny was correct about virtually everything, and you spelled you name right.
    So no, I'm not embarrassed. What he said was accurate, you AGAIN were wrong. So I would only be embarrassed if I believed anything you've said.

    You never answered me about hunting and finding religion. Come on down, I'll bet you find humility like you never have before.

  25. At 19:58, Anonymous belched:

    >Hey Ivan,
    >I was just wondering if you noticed
    >that at the bottom of Gunny's column,
    >He lists out the sources he uses.
    >I've noticed that you don't list

    And I was just wondering why you think I need a "source" to know that the idiot Gunster is unable to correctly replicate what is perhaps the most quoted phrase in American English -- or that he's so fucking dumb he thinks the phrase is from the Constitution, when every sixth-grader could tell him it's from the Declaration of Independence.

    I also don't need a "source" to tell me that you're a pathetic tool, trying desperately to bail out your lord and master, the ever-stumbling Gunsel, in hopes of gettng a pat on the head like the good little doggy you are.

  26. Did I scare you Ivan? I'm such a meanie! Did you wet your UnderRoos again? It's OK, you can answer me. We all know you'll look stupid regardless of whether yo do or don't so you might as well.

  27. Jim, little Ivy's too busy reading up on how he can bring Stalin back from the dead. Little Ivy probably has some figure built in his room, his mom may not know about that, and prays to him every night to wipe out the 'evil' capitalists. BWHWAHAHA, heck, look at his earlier post. He's taken a book from the commies and stolen my laugh. BWHAHAHAHAHAAHAH.

    Hey Ivan, can I use you as a welcome mat to wipe off my feet! You may be on the same intelligence level as my last welcome mat. BWHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA

  28. quote :" I also don't need a "source" to tell me that you're a pathetic tool"

    Translation: "I don't have any original sources, just talking points. When I don't have any answers, I attack the poster and use profanity "

    Frequent use of profanity is an indication of a weak vocabulary and insecurity.

  29. Packrat, that's why I'd love to show his mood changes and constant need to verbally abuse all who disagree with him to a psychiatrist. The man seriously needs help.

  30. Ivan,
    still waiting for some FACTS from your side.....

  31. From Gunsel's latest rabid rant:

    >almost two YEARS into this regime and
    >they still blame Bush. Why?

    Because George W. Bush, with the help of his brother, stole the 2000 election, then presided over the most inept federal administration in U.S. history; because he failed to prevent the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the U.S., despite having been forewarned; because he launched a justified, but halfhearted and incompetently waged war of retaliation against Afghanistan, then abandoned it prematurely to perpetrate a wholly needless and illegal invasion of Iraq; because he attempted to run roughshod over the Constitution and the Bill of Rights; because he left the nation's economy, which was healthy and robust when he took office, in tatters and near collapse when he left. Why do they still blame Bush? Because he was without doubt the second-worst U.S. president ever, taking a backseat only to the pathetic, Alzheimer-ridden failed actor, Ronald ("Wanna buy a Fridge?") Reagan.

  32. From Gunther's latest hysterical harangue:

    >At what other time in America has a
    >President taken the time to force a
    >CEO out of his job (GM CEO)

    Which other president had such big, brass balls?

    >and then put the government in charge
    >of running it

    Thanks for revealing yourself, once again, as a lying pusball, Gunsel. The U.S. gov't has never "run" GM.

    >or attacking private citizens like
    >Joe the Plumber,

    Joe's not a plumber.

    >Rush Limbaugh, or Sean Hannity

    Bwahahaha! Limbaugh and Hannity are by no means simple "private citizens." They are national media figures by their own choosing, prominent spokesmen for their foul sliver of the political spectrum and big-bucks entertainers. As such they are every bit as vulnerable to criticism as the president himself, and your pretending that they are but ordinary folks cruelly attacked from the bully pulpit that is the White House is the absurd height of hypocrisy, and all too typical of your base dishonesty.

  33. STILL no facts?
    -9/11, the warnings were vague and Gorelick's wall of seperation kept the intel services from figuring it out until too late
    -Iraq violated the 1991 ceasefire terms, so the invasion was not only legal, but an obligation
    -the economy was doing quite well until Nanny and Harry took over the Congress, but W did allow the Congresscritters and Senators of both parties get away with excessive spending (even if it was a small fraction of what Obama and company have spent)
    -Worst Presidents ever...Carter, Obama, Wilson, FDR

  34. Is this socialist panty waist douchebag Ivan for real? Is he a gay Nazi or something?
    What a piece of work! He's like the splinter you got sliding down the banister.

  35. At 20:51, The Crawfish burbled:

    >STILL no facts?

    Not from you, fishface. From you, only lies and FoxNews talking points.

    >-9/11, the warnings were vague

    "Vague?" How vague is an intelligence memo entitled: ``Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.,'' and warning that terrorists might be preparing for airliner hijackings in the U.S.?

    Obviously, as an obedient tool for blockheads, you will maintain that any warning that did not include exact time, place, method and identification of participants, including passport numbers and photos, were "too vague" for Bush to act upon. But no one with an IQ in the triple digits believes that.

    "Former White House counter-terrorism adviser Richard Clarke has told the panel Bush's administration didn't make terrorism an urgent priority before Sept. 11 and, after the attacks, focused more on Iraq." -Bloomberg news

    >-Iraq violated the 1991 ceasefire terms,
    >so the invasion was not only legal, but an obligation

    Bullshit. An "obligation" to what? Resolutions of the United Nations, the institution you rightoids scorn with such vitriol? You flaming hypocrite. The invasion was predicated on the administration's deliberate lie that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons. It was Bush's war of choice and it blew up in America's face, just as had been predicted prior to the attack.

    >-the economy was doing quite well
    >until Nanny and Harry took over the

    You lie. Again. The economy was doing great until Bush took over the White House. In eight years he and his band of incompetents drove it into the dumpster. You can prevaricate all you want, but history isn't gong to blame out-of-power Democrats for what Bush so obviously fucked up.

    >-Worst Presidents ever...
    >Carter, Obama, Wilson, FDR

    Again, you lie. Bush's negligence contributed to the deaths of more than 3,000 people at the World Trade Center and more than 4,000 U.S. soldiers in the needless attack on Iraq. Also the maiming of thousands more. George W. Bush killed more Americans than anyone since the war on Vietnam (which was a joint project of several presidents). Do the math.

    Bush was a disaster. You're his defender, so you are pathetic.

    "WASHINGTON – Senate Democrats on Wednesday overcame Republican opposition and cleared the way for a $26 billion measure to help states ease their severe budget problems and save the jobs of tens of thousands of teachers and other public employees. The bill advanced by a 61-38 tally that ensures the measure will pass the Senate on Wednesday or Thursday. The House may return early during from its August recess for a final vote that would deliver the bill to President Barack Obama, his larger jobs agenda curtailed by Republicans who argue against the spending it would entail."

    Once again, Democrats act to provide crucial aid to the states and the citizenry, while Republicans do everything in their power to ensure that working people are left twisting desperately in the wind and the states go bankrupt.

    What evil, soulless scumbags conservatives are. How long are Americans going to tolerate their presence among us?

  37. Looks like our stimulus money is being well spent, by drugging monkeys with cocaine, studying foreign ants, and studying dog domestication.

    In the meantime, our fellow Americans are hurting, paying more taxes for the stupidity of the dems and liberal republicans, and unemployment hasn't changed and won't if they continue spending money and killing the dollars value.

  38. I had a dream earlier. I, Ivan, went back in time to join the SS, where I could enforce my racist views onto all the lower human beings I like to abuse. It was so much fun to work with the nazis, who now share much of the views of my fellow democrats these days, with gun control, the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact so the nazis could continue to build a war machine to usher in the final solution while my fellow stupid liberals stood idly by twiddling their thumbs, being the part of the national socialist movement, now the dems, and even futhering our rediculous propaganda, something I do everyday! In my dream, we purged the nation of the undesirables and plundered to our hearts content.

    I hope to dream about being with Stalin tonight, to kill any I want, since I love dictators and murderers.

  39. I'll soon be moving to California where I'll marry another man, then we'll legalize polygamy, and then I'll advocate marrying animals so I can marry the jackazz. I can't wait!

  40. Ivan the Not So Terrible @ 08/04/10, 11:58am

    Exactly What Ivan Said:

    "What evil, soulless scumbags conservatives are. How long are Americans going to tolerate their presence among us?"

    To which I reply, What are you (Ivan the Not So Terrible) going to do about what you said? Will you physically throw all Conservatives out of the US? Perhaps you will arm yourself and take the law into your own hands?

  41. At 15:26, Gray Ghost said:

    Doesn't matter what he said, since all he ever says is meaningless crap.

    C'mon, Casper, post my address. You said you could, so do it. No more excuses. No more running away. No more "It was posted on another site, you must've missed it."

    If you don't, that'll be proof positive that you're what I've been saying you are -- a brainless, swaggering blowhard without a testicle to your name.

  42. In case anyone doubts that nazis are alive and active in the United Snakes. . . .

    NEW YORK (AP) – The debate over a planned Islamic community center and mosque near ground zero became a court fight Wednesday, as a conservative advocacy group sued to try to stop a project that has become a fulcrum for balancing religious freedom and the legacy of the Sept. 11 attacks.
    The American Center for Law and Justice, founded by the Rev. Pat Robertson, filed suit Wednesday to challenge a city panel's decision to let developers tear down a building to make way for the mosque two blocks from ground zero."

    So much for the vaunted guarantee of freedom of religion in the U.S.

    Pat Robertson -- why isn't he in a mental hospital?

    Hypocrisy, thy name is America.

  43. Poster Ivan is a nazi.. Saw that one coming.

  44. Ivan you need to get back on the meds bud. Your usual rant is turning hysterical. Oh, and by the way, yes you do need to put down your sources. I give Gunny more credability than you just because he researches and you just bloviate. Big difference guy. Oh and by the way, how many mosques are in New York City, anyway? As far as that goes, how many mosques are there in the U.S.? Does kind of make that "So much for the vaunted guauantee of freedom of religion in the U.S." look silly doesn't it?
    John In Mo

  45. "9/11, the warnings were vague"

    "Vague?" How vague is an intelligence memo entitled: ``Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.,'' and warning that terrorists might be preparing for airliner hijackings in the U.S"

    Where? Texas? Rhode Island? Alaska?
    "might be preparing" again, where, when, what airline?

  46. Freudean Slip?

    "In case anyone doubts that
    nazis are alive and active in the United Snakes." United Snakes?

  47. Ivan,

    Please stop posting when you're high after Lemmewinks visits.

    "United Snakes?" Are snakes forming their own perfect union, by the snakes, for the snakes, with rats and mice for all?


  48. Ted,

    GREAT analogy of Ivan. Made me laugh like hell.

  49. Ivan:
    I presume you will not bother to state anything other than invective in response to this. I do not care.

    A. As a child, I was tested for IQ and I am told my results then were 132. When I take the online IQ tests now, I score somewhere in the high 150's or low 160's. Ergo, I feel that it is safe to say that, unless 'IQ' means not 'Intelligence Quotient' but 'Invective Quota' or 'Intemperate Quality', I qualify as having a triple-digit IQ. I admit, I do not run around screaming about Obama being a collectivist. There are two reasons for this. 1) I don't have to do so, those with eyes to see and ears to hear are catching on to this even at this late date, and many have already known and made known this information. 2)Running around screaming appears, from what I have seen, to be a trait of those such as yourself, who pour vitriol on any discussion as a method of attempting to end the discussion.

    B. I presume that Al Qaeda, if not Osama Bin Laden himself, still wants to attack within the US. Presume that planes will be involved if possible. Presume that biological devices might be introduced into the water supply of targets, if aircraft cannot be used. Would you please specify which flights will be marked, and what targets will be hit, bearing in mind that you are not allowed to count on ethnicity or religious beliefs as valid tools of discernment into this information?

    C. If you must result to wild speculation, ad hominem attacks, and insults rather than providing documented factual evidence, would you please work on at least offering insults with some wit to them? I'll provide an example, if you desire:

    "Ivan, by thy actions thou do wish to be called a troll. It shall not be so, for thou hast none of the qualities associated with such beasts in legend. Thou art not a Norse troll, for they dealt with metalworks, and thy works have no mettle in them. Thou art not a river troll, though their stubbornness I will ascribe to thee, for they were, in general, guardians of a place - and thy behavior is that of an attacker, not a guardian. Neither art thou a troll of Middle Earth, for such had a form of strength to them, which thy words reveal thee to lack. Barring these, I must conclude that thou art no troll, Ivan, but a mere inconstant hobgoblin, scurrying hither and yon, seeking whom you may delude from their path and into your own ways, but always fleeing when the illuminating light of day doth approach thee."

    See? Easy, and it can be fun as well. Why don't you learn that method?
