Sunday, December 4, 2011


This is what happens when you elect an ideologue who knows nothing but cronyism from the cesspool of Sh*tcago politics. For example, say you're a liberal scumbag and you're not only a donor but also a bundler for the Kenyan Usurper to the tune of 500K. Say you're a scumbag shyster who gave $2,300 (+/-) of your own money to the Kenyan in 2008. Say you're now what passes for the US Ambassador to Belgium. If so, your name is Howard Gutman and you're one dumb liberal SOB.

Amazing isn't it? The Pig-in-a-Pantsuit is made SecState with no credentials other than dodging sniper fire in Bosnia (cough) BULLSHIT (cough). Holder is made Director of the DOJ with credentials of a criminal, not a law enforcement agent. Janet Napolitano is so unqualified to head the DHS that it is a joke. But when the regime is led by the King of Incompetance, what else can you expect?

This is the idiot who got in front of a conference hosted by the European Jewish Union and then babbled that it is all Israel's fault for the growing anti-Semitism inherent with Muslims! That is like the Russian Cossacks blaming the Jews for the pogroms ran against them in Tsarist Russia!

"A distinction should be made between traditional anti-Semitism, which should be condemned and Muslim hatred for Jews, which stems from the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinians."


This moron actually bleated: "that an Israeli-Palestinian peace treaty will significantly diminish Muslim anti-Semitism."

Yeah, that's the ticket. Israel has gone to the peace table a hundred times and the flea-bitten Palestinian scum have either walked away or lied and reneged on whatever they promised and yet this idiot yammered on about making peace with them.

Gutman DID mention that the Muslims loved Obama's openess with them. Gee go figure, he IS a Muslim, by birth and by his sympathies.

There is ONE bright spot in this story and that is Gingrich tweeted that Obummer should fire this idiot. Obummer should be firing a LOT of people, i.e., Holder, Holdren, Napolitano, and then resign himself for crimes against the US, the American people, and continual violations of his Oath of Office. 

Howard Gutman



  1. Some one wiser than me please explain the difference between anti-semitism,and muslim hatred of Jews. I sure as hell can't see it.
    Proof positive there is NO ONE in this bunch who has the IQ of what's on the bottom of my boot. Give you three guesses as to what THAT may be.

  2. And Barry is getting ready for 4 more years. He's probably planning to open a satelite Office in Russia.

  3. Muslim hatred for Israel will only be sated by Palestinian victory and Israel's extermination, which would also be seen as a positive by Obama and Ron Paul.

  4. clyde,

    The collective IQ if this regime wouldn't be enough to boil water.

  5. Jeff,

    If we had a Congress that had a set of balls, Obama would already have been impeached. Nov 2012 will be a landslide against him, bet on it.

  6. Jeff,

    If we had a Congress that had a set of balls, Obama would already have been impeached. Nov 2012 will be a landslide against him, bet on it.

  7. Craw,

    NO LIE! That Ron Paul is placing second is a joke. I would NOT vote for Paul or Romney, at all, never happen.

  8. Gunny,

    You're a crack up explaining this person or alternate universe creature of the fraudulent alternate universe creature.

    Does he ever appoint anyone with competence?
    No, because he is incompetent. I doubt his head would stay on his shoulders if Soros wasn't keeping it on by a very thin puppet thread.

    Oh, yeah, Soros is another alternate universe creature and isn't he getting too old for this stuff?

  9. His first selection was Joe Biden and we didnt think it could get any worse. Hell, that was the high point of his cabinet selections. I guess Dingle Barry thinks by appointing buffoons he makes himself look smarter.

  10. I'm not even optimistic that we will have the right to vote by November 2012! That is the very last thing Obuma needs to take care of to ensure his Commie "screw" will be deeply implanted into the roots of our nation. The King can then step down and hand over his thrown to his heir; Ayers!

  11. When in the hell are all these blind people going to wake up and realize there will never be true peace with any Muslim Nation, if your Nation is not Muslim! Their very "book" they hold so near to their cold heart, spews no tolerance for anyone who does not pray thirty times a day to Mohammad! Everyone else are infidels. IE. The United States trying Nation Building...and how has that worked out!

  12. This reminds me of my drive home yesterday. I had the family in my gas guzzling F150 and we're driving home from seasonal investments in the economy when suddenly I see Barack Hinsane Obama's face in the back of a trailer. I said to the lovely Mrs. Doc "Honey, there is the president in the back of that trailer!" she looks over and says to me "No dear, that's a horse trailer and that's the back end of a horse".
    I replied, "oops"
    She said, "I understand, I see the resemblance too!"


  13. It is so interesting (and enlightening) that Semites include Hebrews( Jews), Arans, and most of the other people native to the Middle East. Talk about self-hating. It is really more of a family feud.

    Pack Rat

  14. Want to see some of Barry's "thinking", reas this from re: a popular e-mail. Turns out much of what's quoted about his books in mostly true.
    PS It's all about Barry.

    Pack Rat

  15. Pepp,

    I PRAY for the day Soros takes the express train to HELL! He's on my list of graves I "have to piss on". No doubt his spawn are just as bad if not worse than he is.

  16. Navyvet,

    INDEED! He sure surrounded himself with YES men and idiots. The mark of an incompetent leader. A SMART leader surrounds himself with men/women of ACCOMPLISHMENTS and integrity, honor, courage, and critical thinking skills.

    Which is 180 out from what the entire DNC is.

  17. Dave,

    I do not fear NOT being able to vote, I fear MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD with SEIU, AFL-CIO, ACORN, and every other union in the US.

  18. Tampadoc,

    HILARIOUS! Yeah, a horse's ass and Barry...


  19. Pack Rat,

    I find it funny that a guy who has accomplished NOTHING in his life can write TWO autobiographies! Well, ghostwritten by Ayers that is.

  20. Understand, The King of Fools actually believes he's brilliant and by that believes his appointees, being also giant fools, are also quite brilliant. Although he believes they are nowhere as brillaint as he.
    But then NO tyrant wants any reins of power to be in the hands of someone as smart or smarter than he. Therefore tyrants always surround themselves with folks of lesser intelligence.
    It protects their throne.
